
Status HV100 Home Vacuum Sealer

Preservac PXR K1 Food Vacuum Sealer

Status Home 280

Preservac PXR P2 Food Vacuum Sealer

Status Solid 300 Professional Vacuum Sealer

FVS400 Professional Food Vacuum Sealer

Preservac PXXL i400 Food Vacuum Sealer

Refurbished Food Vacuum Sealers

Impulse Sealer
Our range of domestic vacuum sealers are from either ZeroPak or Status and also known as Cryovac machines. All of these models are suitable for home use. They are all very compact and ideal to travel with also, the ZeroPak Dualvac will operate on 12 volts if you are off the grid and want a portable vacuum sealer. The Status HV500 has a filter to trap any liquid which is ideal for fish as it gives you pump protection. We have 2 models in the Minivac range and are both great for small quantities and the beginner. All the domestic vacuum sealers are backed with availability of spare parts and service.
- Using a domestic grade vacuum sealer to store ingredients and food items naturally extend its shelf life by approximately three to five times. Consequently, you can use those products for longer. If you freeze food before its sell-by-date, it could last 12 months or more without losing quality and flavor. If you love leftovers, you can save them in a bag with a vacuum sealer and place it in the freezer for you to eat later. Always ensure that you label the bags according to its contents and the date you stored it away.
- Filling a bag with your ingredients and sealing them with a domestic food vacuum machine prevents cross-contamination and dehydration. Since there’s no oxygen entering the bag, there’s no chance for bacteria and mold to grow. Additionally, your food remains fresh without discoloration and changes in texture. Using vacuum sealed bags prevents your food from getting freezer burn as a result of water seeping into your food without room to evaporate.
- Food that you can vacuum seal allows you to store it away methodically. You can quickly identify the items you require when preparing your daily meals. You will have the freedom to shop in bulk and acquire items that are available in certain seasons, knowing that the vacuum-sealed bags will keep them fresh for a while.
Tips for Getting More Value Out of a Household Food Vacuum Sealer
- Bear in mind that when you use the vacuum sealer, you are usually dealing with food items. For this reason, you must clean the machine immediately to prevent bacteria, dust, and pests from finding a home inside the sealer. Ideally, you should clean the machine after every use.
- Cleaning your vacuum sealer is the first step to maintaining its efficient operation. If you leave soap residue after you clean, it could attract dirt and dust to the machine, which is a health risk.
- It’s advisable to wipe the device down twice to ensure that you don’t leave soap residue. Be sure that it is completely dry before storing it in a safe area, away from the elements. Avoid using harsh detergents in the sealer; this includes those that you extensively use to clean kitchen tops. They contain harmful chemicals which become a hazard. Instead, use a mild soap with a damp cloth. It’s imperative that you don’t use a wet cloth that is dripping with water as you could damage the machine’s electrical components.