Controlling liquids

Controlling liquids when vacuum sealing

With in this page we will discuss one of the most common mistakes done when vacuum sealing, which is controlling liquids so that the bag seals up and stays sealed with out the risk of damage to your vacuum sealer. We will discuss this with in a series of video demonstrations so scroll down to find the info that will help and improve your food vacuum sealing experience.

But my vacuum sealer has a moist setting or it has a liquid trap?

These are both great features to have on your vacuum sealer but also does tend to give you a false sense of security. The first thing to remember is that if you vacuum liquid into the seal area then any vacuum sealer will struggle to seal the bag up and keep it sealed. You also risk damaging your vacuum sealer. I'll explain here


Now here is a few ways to vacuum seal that same Irish stew successfully and with out sucking liquid into your vacuum sealer and risking damage to it


Using paper towel to stop the liquid getting in the seal.

I have trouble with brine in supermarket bacon, so a piece of paper towel helps stop the liquid getting to the seal. Butcher bacon does not seem to have the same amount of brine so no problem.


How do I go about vacuum sealing fish?

Vacuum sealing fish can give you a lot problems as fish is full of juice. If not approached right the bag will not keep its vacuum. Here are 3 ways you can try if you are having problems, they are explained further in our videos, CLICK HERE.

1. Use the pulse function and manual seal if your vacuum sealer has this function.
2. Use a paper towel strip across the top of the bag.
3. Freeze the fish first.

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