vacuum packing strawberries

Storing Strawberries

What to look for when storing strawberries

The spring stores the store with strawberries, which invite from the shelves even until late autumn. But the sweetest are the home-made ones, which you diligently weave and nurture all year round, and they richly reward and delight you in May. The first berries go like honey, but a week later, when they are plentiful, it pays to store them well so that you can use them later.

Strawberries do not like moisture

Strawberries do not tolerate moisture well, so it is recommended that you wash them just before you plan to eat them. In case you buy packaged strawberries in a store and want to store them in the fridge, just make sure there is no lump or mold in between, as such spoilage will spread quickly.

How to wash them properly?

In order for the strawberries not to soak up too much water, cleaning should be quick. Pour a large bowl of water and vinegar in a 3: 1 ratio and dip the strawberries in the mixture for just 30 seconds. Vinegar destroys bacteria and mold spores, so the berries will be perfectly clean. After 30 seconds, take them out of the liquid and place them on paper towels and dry very well. To be thorough, use a hair dryer with a cold blow setting. Only dried strawberries will last a long time.

Important: Never remove the green part or stalk before washing, as this will damage the strawberry, and it will lose its taste and drink water through this cut part.

How to store strawberries in the refrigerator?

Strawberries are best fresh, so they also need to be stored properly in the refrigerator so they can last a week or even two. After washing and drying them according to the above procedure, store them in a vacuum canister with a drainer. By pumping air out of the container, you will also remove the proportion of oxygen, which in addition to moisture and heat is the main culprit for food spoilage. Use a manual vacuum pump or the canister hose connected to your vacuum sealer.

How to freeze berries?

For long-term storage of strawberries, when e.g. want to use after their season in cakes, pastries or smoothies, we recommend freezing in vacuum bags to keep all the vitamins and minerals and a rich sweet taste. Status vacuum cleaners have a manual vacuum function to prevent them from damaging or crushing the strawberries, as you can stop pumping air out of the bag exactly when you want it to. In case you want to keep the individual fruits separate, place them on a tray at a distance of half a centimetre and pre-freeze. After one hour, take them out of the cupboard or freezer and vacuum normally. In this case, you can also use the automatic function.

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